ISBN: 1565115392
Classification: audio book, fiction
Genre: realistic fiction
Age Level: 11th-12th grade
Subjects: adult crossover, audiobook, coming of age, family, fiction, friends, identity, movie, prejudice
Reader's Annotation: Fourteen year old Lily Owens sets off on a search for information about her mother following the only clues she has to her past.
Summary: Lily Owens isn't sure exactly how her mother died, but she is fairly sure that she killed her. She remembers an argument and a gun going off, but the details are hazy. She was young when it happened. At 14 years old, she's more intrigued about the picture of the Black Madonna with the words "Tiburon, South Carolina" than ever. When her friend Rosaleen gets attacked after registering to vote, Lily decides they should head to Tiburon. The picture leads them to Black Madonna Honey in Tiburon, the home of May, June, and August Boatwright. The Boatwright sisters offer to take Lily and Rosaleen in, but it is the summer of 1964, so there is bound to be trouble for Lily, who is white, while living in a house with four black women.
Reviews / Awards:
Allreaders.com ReviewSue Monk Kidd's Website
Potential Hotspots:
violence, parental violence, racial tensionsReadalikes:
- To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee
- Mistik Lake by Martha Brooks
The audiobook version of this story was quite enjoyable.
4 stars
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