Doctorow, C. (2008). Little Brother. (p. 384). Tor Teen.
ISBN : 0765319853
Classification: book, fiction
Genre: science fiction
Age Level: 1oth-12th grade
Subjects: current events, distopia, family, friends, love story, prejudice, scifi, war
Reader's Annotation: Marcus gets tangled up with the Department of Homeland Security when he is in the wrong place after a terrorist attack.
Summary: Marcus and his friends cut school to hunt for a clue in an online game on the same day terrorists blow up the Bay Bridge. They are picked up by Homeland Security, held for days, and questioned about their activities. While they are not terrorists they are all capable hackers. They are released but warned they will be watched. Scared and furious that his government would treat him this way, Marcus begins an underground resistance centered around an internet the government can't spy on.
Reviews / Awards:
New York Times ReviewCory Doctorow's Website
Potential Hotspots:
drinking, sex, civil disobedience
- Uglies Trilogy by Scott Westerfeld
- Feed by MT Anderson
- Evil Genius by Catherine Jinks
One reviewer wrote "Too bad about that sex scene. This book should be taught in every Government and Civics class in every high school. The sex scene means teachers won't be able to use it." This is definitely a book that will get people talking, especially in today's PATRIOTAct culture. This is the kind of book libraries were created to carry -- the kind that makes some people nervous.
I'd guess this will be made into a movie before long.
4.5 stars
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