ISBN: 0810991640
Classification: book, nonfiction
Genre: nonfiction
Age Level: 9th-12th grade
Subjects: body image, nonfiction, identity
Reader's Annotation: This is a book for anyone who has ever wanted to stay home because they felt ugly.
Summary: The authors of Feeling Freakish have delivered some straight talk about body image and identity for teen audiences. Mixed with plenty of illustrations, the information is straight forward but not overly serious. The book is divided into three sections. The first describes various ways in which many teens feel ugly. The second section covers reasons why teens feel ugly. The third section offers plenty of suggestions for thinking positively, getting active and overcoming the trap of depression over feeling ugly.
Reviews / Awards:
From Publisher's WeeklyFour paperback titles kick off the Sunscreen series of self-help books aimed at teens....Finally, Feeling Freakish? by V ronique le Jeune and Philippe Eliakim, with Daly, illus. by Princess H, tackles self-esteem issues and ends with quotes from real kids. Cartoons mix a comic touch with compassion: a girl confesses to a boy, "I can't go out with you because my ears stick out... I'm sure you understand."
Veronique le Jeune's Goodread's Page
Potential Hotspots:
- Too Stressed to Think? by Annie Fox and Ruth Kirschner
- Going Out without Freaking Out by Tim Baker
While certainly this won't be a top choice for every teen reader, it's a solid book to have in the collection. For the teen looking for this sort of information, Feeling Freakish is a good quick read, full of information.
3 stars
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