ISBN: 9780061214660
Classification: book, fiction
Age Level: 9th -12th grade
Genre: urban fantasy
Subjects: faerie, fantasy, fiction, love story, urban fantasy
Reader's Annotation: Though she has spent her whole life avoiding their notice, Aislinn has somehow caught the attention of the faerie folk and now her life is no longer her own.
Summary: Aislinn can see faeries but has spent her whole life pretending they are invisible. Her grandmother, who can also see them, taught her that the only way to avoid the capricious nature of the faeries is to never, never draw their attention. This works well until faeries, from the royal court no less, start following Aislinn. She has been chosen by the Summer King. From that instant, she is no longer entirely mortal. She can become one of the immortal Summer Girls, free and easy. Alternately, she may choose to take the test ordained by the Summer King and Winter Queen. If she passes, she becomes the immortal Summer Queen and saves both faerie and human-kind from destruction. If she fails, she will be trapped helping the Summer King until he can find the next potential Queen. The only thing that's not an option is remaining human, with her Grams and her best friend turned maybe-boyfriend . . . unless she can outsmart the faerie folk.
Author Info:
Potential Hotspots:
implied sex, some violence, mention of drinking and drugs
- Tithe, Valiant, and Ironside, by Holly Black
- The Blue Girl by Charles de Lint
- A Great and Terrible Beauty by Libba Bray
Why it belongs in a YA collection:
This is a great recreational read for patrons who have finished with Twilight or Libba Bray's book and need something new to read.
I enjoyed this book! It would work especially well for anyone already familiar with the idea of faeries and their dark sides.
3.5 stars
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